Monday, December 8, 2014


Goals must be SMART is the first thing they teach you for any Process Improvement projects as well as annual appraisals.

S = Specific
M= Measurable
R= Relevant
T= Time bound

It helps you to be efficient at all times while providing and receiving information.

For eg. W4H if applied to real life situation helps us in basic actions to winning deals :)
It helps if you have an exact goal and you reach exactly there and not surpass or get beaten by it.Setting improbable targets will lead one to nowhere.

I had thought at the beginning of the previous year to start running a Marathon.This year I realized that there is no point in running it.It was all there in thoughts with no action attached to it.

All I wanted to do was remain fit and loose the extra flab.So I reduced the target to a 1 km walk or run based on the time permission.It has helped to some extent that I now practice something that I believe is achievable.With time permitting and I becoming more regular, I might decide to improvize on the health goals but for now this looks like the best attainable goal to start somewhere.

From knowledge perspective,I had thought of no targets once I completed my MBA.This has left me to become a static person with very little content to talk of.Since I somehow behest loose talks and sycophancy, I will not reach anywhere.Hence I have a self fulflling prophecy to start for a Phd or do some certification.Let me see how I take it from there.

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