As per the article in Times of India today, there is a stronger correlation between getting reelected due to economic growth in the 2000's compared to 1990's.This explains why every political party cannot do away with the growth factor,although the inclusiveness, the way its portrayed,the way its executed and the way its analyzed by the "experts" will always be questionable.
Another important aspect of growth has been the lack of resources.There are statistics to prove that places with lesser resources to support growth have better economic growth like Japan.Also, places with good natural resources have less growth with examples of Indian states like Jharkhand,Chhatisgarh,Assam,etc.
So while growth of a state might be a factor of several conditions like natural resources, political conditions,skillset of man power in the state, set up of manufacturing and service units,state bureaucracy support in helping the set up etc. the net sum of growth or lack of it will affect the future of the country in general.
One of the most crucial aspect of growth which is never said is "Hard work" that people put in to gain the efficiency and economies of scale.One of the reasons for the growth of IT and ITeS sector in India has been this.Tomorrow if people will become lazy, the initiative will move on to another country.
Probably this explains what has happened to US and Europe in the last decade and if not planned in the years to come.This also explains what happened to India in the past centuries and if not planned will continue to decrease the growth rate.And surely this explains the fact that Germany,China and Japan progressed in the last 2-3 decades compared to the same position that they were with India post 2nd world war.
So the only way to get growth will be to continue the "Hard work" and the results will follow.Bringing any politics and games around it will only weaken the agenda for development unless there is some "Hard work" there as well to support the economic factors and people who want to grow..