On Character
As per Satre,
- Existence precedes Essence
- Stable disposition of feel,think and behaviour are due to Project (Mobile and Motif)
- Mobile -> Fact about agent that acts (I cleaned my room)
- Motif -> Agent environment ( My room is dirty) -- anticipation of future
- Motif causes Mobile
- Building due to habituation (Safety > Honour) i.e. from experience
- Character is non -deterministic - This is due to freewill (Difference b/w human and animal..You can plan your suicide)
- Freewill with anticipation of right and wrong makes one responsible
- Freewill of common good -> Utility theory of ethics
- Choice of Projects define character (Good or Bad)
- Feeling -> Subconscious
- Thinking -> Conscious -> Cognitive
- [Hriday,Man,Buddhi]
Gandhi believed in Deorontological theory against utilitarinism or ethics of consequnce.
The Course
Previous defn of leaders were unique and hence heroic in nature.
Business were driven by interest but no ethics.
Managers brought ethics but were in subordinate position
So a combination of Manager + Entrepreneur needs ethics more than before.
Ends vs. Means Debate
Terminal vs. Instrumental values
For Gandhi, Nationality was ends while for Joan , it was divine works.
Machiavelli believed in autocratic democracy,while Socrates in aristrocracy (to rule after working for 50 yrs)
Chankya believed that welfare of people was welfare of king.He proposed the following to be given maximum salary (Minister,Bureaucrats,Teachers,Army chiefs)
Leadership comes from role and not position.
Arthashastra framework for leadership
- Control on 5 senses
- Clear soul
- Control ego
- Control anger (Manifestation of attachment)
- Speaks well (In good language , thoughts,words and means)
- Humility
- Integrity (Truth)
- Moment you do not get attached to extrinsic rewards
- Not happy/sad in adversity
- Education,Continuous improvement of conscience
As you sow,so shall you reap.