Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Emotional intelligence

I recently attended a 2 day workshop on Emotional Intelligence by Satish Mandora. I could connect more with it since I had received a feedback in October 2015 that my mind, body and soul were not in sync. I was also asked to improve my communication skills and be more aggressive. I think they meant to make me more assertive as I can never become an aggressive person to show anger and fire people. In the past, I had received feedback on looking for role clarity and becoming a facilitator as next level of growth for me. I am thankful to all my senior colleagues for all the feedback I have received in last 1 year. This was much more than I received in my previous roles probably because my knowledge has taken me to places I have been. It’s now upto creating the right attitude, skills, habit and strategy to take me to the next level. Its also important for me to do a lot of self talk to help my cause.

  1. The 5 areas of EI are: Self Awareness, Self-Management (Self Regulation), Self Motivation, Social Awareness (Empathy) and Social Skills.
  2. The Ice berg model has 4 levels, from top to bottom they are: Results, Behaviour, Feelings and Belief
  3. The 4 classifications of Emotions are: Intolerable, Tolerable, Pleasurable and Too Pleasurable
  4. In the equation A*B=C; A is Activating Event, B is Belief and C is Consequences.’
  5. The learning that we have is in 4 phases (Learning cycle) :-

a. Unconscious incompetence ( don’t know cycling)
b. Conscious incompetence (know parts of cycle i.e. brakes, handles, etc.)
c. Conscious competence ( know cycling but less confidence at turns)
d. Unconscious competence ( complete knowledge and think other things while cycling)

6. 4-box model of Skill Will Matrix and the leadership styles

Things that I intend to do in future with the learnings
  1. I will have a face to face interaction with colleagues to understand their “Iceberg model” of (his beliefs, feelings and behaviours”) and explain the results I expect from him.
  2. Have “Expectations “clearly defined with roles and responsibilities and objectives
  3. Share “concern” ,demonstrate “Confidence” in Colleagues abilities ( be in Pleasurable and Tolerable zone) and bring more Optimism in his behaviour
  4. Treat colleagues with empathy during the discussion. Listen to him empathetically, appreciate his achievements and try to understand reason for his shortcomings /complaints without preconceived notion.
  5. Try to guide Colleagues and improve his will and skill by guiding him
  6. Use the 5 golden pairs i.e. ( Goals to set priorities, Consequences with different alternatives, discuss problems instead of blaming, discuss the person instead of behavior demonstrated and not labelling and regulating self behavior)
  7. Move from becoming the big “I”(know it all), dot(know nothing) , small “i” (know something) to bundle of I’s ( know emotions)

I have decided on 3 goals related to health (exercise, marathon, swimming), finance (home, car) and social (writing book) outcomes that I will try to work in the coming days. Will keep updating the blog as I progress.

1 comment:

Evan Raymonds said...

The Skill/ Will Matrix is to determine what the best leadership approach is for a given team member, based on two metrics, their level of Skill and their level of Will. Skill relates to capability and experience, Will relates to motivation. Effective leaders use the Skill/ Will Matrix to take stock of where individuals in their team are and how they can use this to optimise performance. If you fail to evaluate where individuals are, your leadership approach may not match, which in turn can affect performance. You can find Skill Will Matrix Template to draw skill will matrix in seconds.